Disclaimer - This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Summer 2009 to allow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Religion should be banned from schools

Religion should be taken out of schools since it is an accepted princliple of American law that the church and state should be seperated

Religion banned from schools

There has been too much controversy with religion in schools. There are too many people offended by small things in today's world. Religion should be taken out of schools so that the church and the state can be seperated. According to adherents.com, President Bill Clinton updated the guidelines in 1998 to reflect court decisions of religious expression in public schools. One of the synopsis of the guideline was "Students may attempt to persuade peers about religious topics as they would any other topics, but schools should stop such speech that constitutes harassment."

Students should be allowed to pray quietly.If another student is interested in that religion, than they can pursue that religion, not be persuaded into it. No school has just one religion that students and teachers believe in, therefore, prayer is better left in the home and churches. According to allabouthistory.org, school prayer violates an accepted principle of American law. Also, allabouthistory.org states the agrument of the public school system was created for students and supported by taxpayers and therefore remain neutral. Prayer is legal and students have the right to pray in a non disruptive way buy it is not necessary.

In overall religion in schools cause more headache than anything. The government, society and religious representatives could agree that religion is something that will not change but the way it is handled can. Religion and school can not mix.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let them if they want

If a child wants to pray in school then just let and leave them alone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Who cares??

If someone wants to pray, who is anyone else to stop them?!!

Religion, Religion, Religion, blah, blah,blah

You always hear about this in school. It should be allowed, but only to the discretion of the student... I know at the high school i graduated from had a religious group. We would meet an hour before school, have some music and prayer, and even some coffee and doughnuts. It helped having a Christian principal, he always supported us. Even though some students thought it was weird, no one was forced to come to that room, at that time, for some motivational support before the long school day... GOOOOOO GOD! :)


Religion in schools have been a controversial subject among parents and society. Personally, I believe that a group as a whole doesn't have to use religion, but if a child wishes to pray independently,then they should have the freedom to do so. Each child should have the right to use religion independently.
Religion in schools doesn't not hurt anyone it is almost always quite and optional, in todays culture yes there is alot of different religions in the world but the one is singled out almost always. You never hear anything on muslems in schools offending people but being offended by chirstians this can go with everything, with one similairty being christians are always the target of attacks.

Doesn't Matter

Personally it doesn't matter to me whether or not someone should be aloud to pay in school. I'm not religious

Monday, September 21, 2009

Should it?

Personally, I don't care one way or the other. If someone wants to pray in school or out, go for it. It's certainly not my cup of tea.

Different Opinions

It is true that relgion in schools is a big headache. There are definitely a lot of ifs, ands, and buts. I personally believe that as long as the student is quiet and to themselves, there should be no problem with praying and things like that, they're not bothering anyone. At the same token, as a teacher, you have to walk a fine line. It is not a teacher's job or place to enforce their opinions onto their students. The entire topic is a tricky one, and it's one that will not be easy to solve.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


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